Our Virtual Adjuster Conference is Back!

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Our Virtual Adjuster Conference is Back!

After a successful virtual event last year, the Field Pros Direct Virtual Adjuster Conference is back again on April 26-30, 2021. In a non-COVID world, we would host our conferences in person to kick off CAT season with all of our Field Pros and Team members. Last year, we had to convert the entire conference to a virtual event due to COVID restrictions...and it was a hit! 

Adjuster’s loved that they could join from their homes and not have to worry about travel. At this point in time, some of you probably want to get out and travel (if you haven’t already been). While we would love to see you in-person, Field Pros Direct decided to host another virtual event this year. Our hope is to aim for something a little different in 2022.

About the FPD Virtual Adjuster Conference

Our conferences are created to help empower our Field Pros and other adjusters by providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to go into hurricane season with confidence. During this 5-day event, we will bring together FPD leadership, Insurance Carriers, and Educational Companies to provide you with a wide range of valuable topics. 

What’s New This Year?

This year we are excited to add some new features to our virtual conference. 

  • CE Credits. This year we’ve partnered with HAAG Education and Sdii Engineering to bring you a series of CE accredited courses. 

  • Networking. That’s right, virtual networking. Get a chance to interview with some of our team members to help you stand out from the crowd. 

Who Should Attend?

While past events are generally reserved for Field Pros, last year we opened it up to all adjusters and recieved great feedback. To stay true to our mission to empower adjusters, we will continue to offer this conference to Field Pros and all other adjusters who are interested. 

6 Reasons to Attend the 2021 Conference. 

If you’re not sure whether you should attend or not, here are 6 reasons why you won’t want to miss out:

  1. It’s FREE (again)! We are excited to offer this event to all adjusters for free! No, really, it’s free. 

  2. No travel is needed. You can join from literally anywhere you have Wifi or cell signal. That means your couch, your backyard, the beach - literally anywhere. 

  3. Get a chance to stand out. It’s hard to stand out as an adjuster, which is why we’re offering virtual networking so you can tell the team why you are unlike other adjusters. 

  4. Make your own schedule. 5-days seems like a lot, we know. You don’t have to attend all sessions. Pick the best sessions for your goals and add those to your calendar after you register. 

  5. Get FPD Carrier Certifications.  When you complete an FPD Carrier Certification class, you get a certificate of completion. This certification is exclusive to FPD that helps increase your chances of getting assignments through that specific FPD Carrier. 

  6. CE Credits. If you’re due for a license renewal, this is a great opportunity to earn CE credits at no cost to you, just your time. 

How Can I Claim My Free Conference Ticket?

Visit www.fpdconference.com and select “Ticket” to claim your free ticket. Be sure to fill out your full first and last name so that you can qualify for any FPD Carrier Certifications you attend.

The entire Field Pros Direct team is excited to be able to offer another virtual conference for you. If you have any questions about the event or registration, you can contact Ally Momot at amomot@fieldprosdirect.com. We look forward to virtually seeing you there!